November 10, 2010

Signs I Don't Understand

There are a few common signs that I don't really see the point in having.

1) No Trespassing

I'm reasonably certain that trespassing isn't ok anywhere at any time. I don't see signs hanging around that say, "No Theft," "No Racketeering," or "No Telemarketing Fraud." They're not necessary. People either already know not to do those things or don't care that they're illegal.
But Trespassing needs to be posted, because we'll apparently assume it's fine otherwise.

Of course, if you live in the Midwest, what the sign really means is, "I'll shoot you if I see you on my property."

2) "Straight Only" Arrows
These serve no purpose except to distract you by making you panic that you're in a turn only lane even though you're not. They are completely useless. The arrows that normally exist are on Turn Only lanes. They serve a good purpose. 
However, I didn't know the Straight Only arrows existed until I almost plowed into a Hummer because I thought I was in the wrong lane. But no, I wasn't! There's just some superfluous arrow telling you things you already know in a fashion of a warning.

That's all I can think of. But I dislike them both fervently. Any suggestions?
