September 24, 2011


The biggest problem facing society nowadays, and I'm not talking about financial or security stuff, is the rise of the Entitlement Whore (EW). I didn't make up that phrase. I got from the people here. An EW is someone who thinks the world owes them everything, that their stupid demands should always be met, and cannot handle the slightest grievance like an adult.

I believe it started when 100% Customer Satisfaction became a thing. The whole "The customer's always right" mindset, which is complete and utter BS. The customer is not always usually wrong, but has no concept of how stores are run, what back rooms actually contain, or who is at fault (which is often no one), not to mention the wildly unreasonable demands they have as assumptions.

I could talk about that at length. But I won't, today. It's just a necessary backdrop to my main topic: Overdone Apologies.

Let's say I go to a restaurant. I order a chilled yak's blood latte, and it comes out differently than how I ordered it. I'm sure the waiter(ess) will fall over themselves letting you know how incredibly sorry they are. "I'm SO, SO sorry, sir. SO sorry. I'll get that fixed immediately. I apologize for the state of your drink, sir, and I'll personally get it fixed right now, just as soon as I continue to apologize to you for another 2-3 minutes. Did I mention how utterly sorry I was? I'm finding that the English language is lacking words for me to express my sorryness at this small situation here. I'm feeling as close to 100% pure sorrow as any human in the world has ever felt. I'm SO..." Etc.

So someone messed up. Maybe they used goat's blood instead (a common occurrence). A "whoops, I'll get the right thing," from the server would suffice. For me, at least. All I want is the correct blood in my latte. I don't want to hear how sorry you are. It's not even necessary. No one - especially not the server who didn't even make the thing - purposefully spiked my drink with bottom-shelf goat's blood. It's totally fine, just bring me the correct drink.

But these people serve customers that will totally blow their top if their blood latte comes out a little on the warm side. EW's are not able to react to things in a calm manner. They believe it their right to live a life free of inconvenience, and thusly, explode like a caffeinated hippo-infant throwing the tantrum of its life.

Because of this ridiculously common event, service people need to fall over themselves apologizing. They must let you know how COMPLETELY AND TRULY SORRY they are that you were mildly inconvenienced.

If they don't? The EW will get them fired, because destroying someone's livelihood over a small mistake is totally reasonable.