October 2, 2010

Interpersonal Interaction

I don't care for talking to people when I'm out and about, so, over the years, I've cultivated an aura of "Don't Talk To Me." This is achieved through an emotionless, laconic manner in general, combined with active and obvious attempts to avoid direct eye contact.

This is most useful when walking through a Sam's Club on the weekends when there's a million sample stands. I just want to get what I came for, pay for those things, and leave. I don't want anything to hold me up from those simple tasks.

But no, I'm a dumbass and I went on a Friday or something stupid like that, so there's a plethora of cheery people trying desperately to initiate eye contact so they can peddle their greasy wares.

I am not interested in their greasy wares. I'm interested in buying my canned chicken and bulk salsa so I can get back to my Xbox.

This is when looking like an angry, brooding loner comes in handy. This is what I try and appear to be in public at all times:

On a side note, this is my first attempt with Paintbrush. I think it turned out well.


This mostly works for me. But there are times, rare times, when I want to act friendly to someone. Perhaps the cashier was super nice to the person in front of me, so maybe I'll just smile and say hello like a normal person for once.

However, I still look like the above picture, so this cashier, who was super friendly with the person right in front of me, will totally shut down and barely acknowledge that they're ringing up things for me. And I know they're friendly. I totally saw it.

So I feel bad. Am I also not deserving  of friendliness?

But I go home and that poor humor wears off almost immediately.
And because I thought it'd be funny, here's a picture of me frolicking with my Xbox in a field that has at least four flowers in it.


  1. Congrats on Paintbrush. That totally looked like you.

    If there were less than four flowers in a field, which was the location of this Xbox affair, I would NOT have believed it.

  2. you need at least one more flower, especially if you ate a greasy ware.
